Pacific Coast Trip: San Diego

Today’s journal entries begin our Pacific Coast travel journey. We did a portion of this trip years ago when the kids were much smaller. Ainsley is learning about ecosystems in Science this year; what better way to learn about oceans than to explore one! She is really hoping to see some “wild” dolphins. Also, Travis has some big curiosities about the marine animals within the great blue ocean. So off we go to see what we can see.



  I went to Border Field State Park near Mexico. I saw a cool shell. It was colorful, especially with pink. I could hear the ocean in the shell. There were flags on the other side of the border fence. There was security on our side.

Then, I went to Cabrillo National Monument. I earned a junior ranger badge. I tried on helmets and armors from Spanish conquistadors. It was cool and very heavy! I also went into the lighthouse there. I’m glad I don’t have to live in a lighthouse! I had a very fun trip!

Close-up of conch shell that Ainsley holds while standing on beach. Ainsley holds bottom and pointed top is facing camera.


 Today I went to Cabrillo National monument in San Diego, California. I became a junior ranger and I had to do some cool things to become one. Here are just a few of the stuff I had to do. One thing I thought was cool was where I put on some cool conquistador armor! The chain mail was very heavy. Another thing I had to do was to go into an old light house! There was a statue of the famous explorer Cabrillo, who the monument was named after. There was an outstanding view of San Diego harbor. When it was all said and done, I had an amazing time.

       Another thing I went to today was Border Field State Park at the border between the United States and Mexico. There was a cool hike and then we walked along the beach towards the fence. Ainsley found a cool conch shell that you could hear the ocean with it! The fence went a little bit into the Pacific and came from a wall on the hill.

Travis & Ainsley stand in front of park table, Travis wears metal chain piece on head and holds large flag. Ainsley holds cylinder wooden staff and a metal shield.
Travis & Ainsley take the jr ranger pledge while raising their right hands and standing in front of a park ranger. A man watches them in the visitor center.

Pacific Coast Trip: Ventura


Travis's Daily Travel Journal -San Jacinto Mountains